Tremendous piece. I have carried on an imaginary dialogue with Trumpsters for years now, trying to fathom what the F they are thinking. Similar to the primitive brain interpretation, I have come to see primal out-group hostility as the key to understanding why nothing seems to disqualify the Orange One in the eyes of his true believers. Tribal hatred of outsiders, filtered through the focusing lens of Christian dualism, makes Trumpsters see everything as a cosmic battle of good vs. evil, which takes precedence over any earthly considerations like democracy, pluralism, civility, etc. The heavy axe of Trump and Musk in these first 30 days are an exorcism, in this view, a cutting out of evil, cancerous liberalism from the American body politic. It’s impossible to fight this kind of ‘thinking’ with policy proposals and ‘working class rapprochement.’ The only thing (IMHO) that will work is building different models of a completely different future, a creation of concrete communities that completely sidestep the polarization trap, rendering it obsolete.